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Daphne Miller, MD

Total Health From the Ground Up

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

Dr. Daphne Miller is a practicing family physician, author, and Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco and University of California Berkeley Joint Medical Program. In 2000, Dr. Miller founded WholefamilyMD, the first integrative primary care practice in San Francisco.

Her writings can be found in academic and popular publications and her work at the frontier of public health, greenspace and agriculture has been profiled in the Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian UK and Harvard Medicine magazine. Her book Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground Up was the basis for the award-winning documentary In Search of Balance.

In her book Farmacology, Dr. Miller ventured out of her clinic and spent time on seven family farms where she uncovered all the aspects of farming--from seed choice to soil management--that have a direct and powerful impact on our health. Bridging the traditional divide between agriculture and medicine, Miller shares lessons learned from inspiring farmers and biomedical researchers and artfully weaves their insights and discoveries, along with stories from her patients, into the narrative. The result is a compelling new vision for sustainable healing and a treasure trove of farm-to-body lessons that have immense value in our daily lives.

Dr. Miller has two kids in their 20s and they share her love of the soil. She is an evolving permaculturist, resides in Berkeley, hikes and runs long distances, gardens and does not own a car.

Contact information:

Twitter: @drdaphnemiller

AT THE SALON: Dr. Miller took us beyond the simple concept of "food as medicine" and introduced us to the critical idea that it's the farm where that food is grown that offers us the real medicine. She discussed the hidden connections between how we care for our bodies and how we grow our food. Dr. Miller's books, Farmacology and The Jungle Effect were sold at the salon.

Click here to see the salon video.

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