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Feel-Good Food For Holiday Entertaining Salon with Katie Morford, RD

Katie Sullivan Morford is a food writer and registered dietitian with more than two decades of experience sharing her passion for food and nutrition through writing, teaching, and recipes. She is the author of three cookbooks: PREP, Rise & Shine, and Best Lunch Box Ever. She has written for dozens of magazines, including Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, Oprah, Parents, and the San Francisco Chronicle. She is the voice behind the blog Mom’s Kitchen Handbook, which features recipes and free meal plans. You can also find her on Instagram where she shares recipes and nutrition tips.

Katie has an undergraduate degree in English literature and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. She lives in San Francisco with her husband and a revolving door of three 20-something daughters. In her free time, she likes to stay active playing tennis, skiing, and practicing yoga, but is just as happy puttering in the garden or reading a good book. Her favorite activity is to turn the spoils of her local farmers’ market into dinner for friends at home.

Contact Information:

Katie Sullivan Morford, MS, RDFood & Nutrition Writer

At the salon:

Katie demonstrated an easy and delicious bubbly mocktail suitable for the season. She showed us how to build a festive holiday cheese board. Finally she shared some thoughts on how to navigate the season feeling good as she demoed favorite bites and sweet treats.

Click here to grab Katie's recipes.



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