SOULFUL Insights is a regular series featuring expert advice on matters relevant to health and wellness. Specialists, with interests that intersect with our salon topics, will share their respective insights. Our aim is to deliver cutting-edge science and wellness information to you, our reader.
An Invitation
by Jeanne Rosner, MD
SOUL Food Salon is a dynamic platform dedicated to sharing ideas, building confidence in living a vibrant life and gaining practical knowledge on healthy cooking. We began our journey by hosting monthly salons (small gatherings) featuring health and wellness experts, local chefs, live cooking demonstrations and nutrition culinarians. Through the years, our salon experiences have inspired us to push boundaries, expand our comfort zones and learn new things, always with the goal of living healthier lives.
Looking back over these past 10 years, one of the things I’ve enjoyed most is the sense of community we’ve all shared. I recently came across the concept of a “third place”—an environment where people gather and connect. In a third place, you can choose to engage in conversation actively or simply take in the atmosphere. These spaces foster meaningful connections. I see all aspects of SOUL Food Salon as a third place, where we have provided a safe space for thoughtful and sensitive discussions amongst the community.
Pictured: Jeanne Rosner (author) with friend Jill Fisher
Our program is evolving to offer a recurring invitation to include a wide variety of plants in our diets. Consider this a tasty and fun-filled culinary exploration! Going forward, I plan to share plant-rich recipes showcasing specific ingredients and their many health benefits.
Food is not just fuel for our bodies; it’s an expression of love, shared experiences and community. With this in mind, I extend to you an invitation to:
Aim for 30 different plants each week
Connect with others
Cook with a friend
Cook with a family member
Learn and try new things with unfamiliar ingredients
Be creative in the kitchen
Use simple, fresh and seasonal ingredients
You will notice that we are encouraging you to incorporate 30 different plants each week. You may ask, why 30? And why should they be different? The number 30 comes from the American Gut Project. Researchers found that consuming this number of unique plant species each week was associated with greater gut microbial diversity, leading to better overall health and well-being. Enhanced gut microbial diversity increases resilience in immune health, strengthens the gut barrier and provides for better digestion and balancing of blood sugar levels.
Allow this to be a fun way to try a variety of new plants each week. Click here to download the 30 Plants PDF we have created. You simply enter your daily plant intake and total the number each day. A point is given for each different variety of plant you eat. For example, I enjoy the same granola with seasonal fruit for breakfast most mornings. My granola recipe has 6¼ different plants. However, I only get credit for those 6¼ plants once during the week. This encourages me to incorporate additional plants throughout the week to reach that magic number of 30.
I want to share the love and joy I feel whenever I’m in the kitchen, creating and cooking meals. Whether I’m spending time with my daughter, enjoying the company of friends or trying out a new recipe, the experience is always fulfilling. When I cook for my family and friends, I know I’m nourishing them in the best way possible—and in turn, I feel nourished too.
I invite you to join me in this “third place” as we embark on a culinary exploration to cook and create delicious, flavorful, plant-rich meals.
Jeanne Rosner, MD
Jeanne Rosner is a board-certified anesthesiologist who practiced pediatric anesthesia at Stanford Medical Center for nearly 20 years. In 2011, she began teaching nutrition classes in her son's 5th-grade science class. It was an "aha" moment for her. She realized that learning and teaching about nutrition, health and wellness in her community was her destiny.
Since retiring from anesthesia, she has been a nutrition educator at local middle and high schools throughout the Bay Area. She teaches students about the importance of eating food closest to the source, making good food choices and eating in a balanced and moderate way.
Jeanne started SOUL (seasonal, organic, unprocessed, local) Food Salon in 2014. SOUL Food Salon's mission is to educate and empower people with knowledge on how to lead a healthier life.
Instagram: @soulfoodsalon
Are Your Skincare Products Safe?
Inflammation 1/3
Tips for a successful vegetable garden
Our Destructive Self vs. Our True Self 1/3
Understanding Food Sensitivities
Is Your Teen Athlete Eating Enough?
Oxidative Stress
Eating for Energy and Focus
Cholesterol 101
All About Cruciferous Vegetables
The Plate-by-Plate Approach to Disordered Eating
Beginning with Breakfast
Summer Musings
Fermentation: Ancient Techniques for Modern Health
Preventing Hypertension
Before it Surprises You
The Sound of Silence
Insights on Better Dining Out and Food Waste
Pervasive Plastics
Soy &
Breast Cancer
The Why and How of
Emotional Intelligence
TMAO and
Heart Health
Connection and
Loving Kindness
The Magic of
Inflammation 2/3
Daily Practice
Inflammation 3/3
Hydration for the Athlete
Nutrition for the Athlete
Silencing Our Destructive Self 2/3
Why Meat?
Unlock Your Someday Drawer
ABCs of a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet
The Skinny on Fats
Heart Health
Part 2
Glaucoma: The Silent Stealer of Sight
The Frightening Truth about Eating Disorders
She's so Hormonal!
Let Go
All- Star Nutrients
for Optimal Thyroid Health
Holidays, Alcohol and Weight Sabotage
The Mighty Mitochondria
Your Metabolism
What to Eat to Fend off Alzheimer's
6 Keys You Control to Beat Autoimmune Disease
Part 1
The Power of Yet
The Revised
Nutrition Facts Label
Searching for
Silver Linings
A Plate for the Planet
Coming to terms with Fear 3/3
The Power of Sleep
Feed your family without losing your mind
The Trillions of Mouths You Feed Each day
Heart Health
Part 1
Finding Happiness, One
Change at a time
Mindfulness of the body
Animal Welfare
Fight Cancer with your Fork
Sleep Apnea
Glycemic Index is only part of the story
Q and A
Climate Change and Nutrition
The Healing Power of Spices
Thyroid Health: The Importance of Iodine
What can you do to
preserve your bones
Saving Antibiotics:
One Mother's Journey
CBD's Path to Healthcare Legitimacy
5 Food Groups to Avoid for Brain Health
6 Keys You Control to Beat Autoimmune Disease
Part 2
Guidelines for
Physical Activity
Reaching for Resiliency in Troubling Times
Integrative Strategies
to Protect Yourself
from Covid-19
Time for Reflection
Understanding Ingredient Lists
Ask the OB/GYN
The Power of Moving Conversations
How Healthy Are Your Bones?
How Our Food Choices Affect The Environment
Eye Health
Q & A
Breast Health
Q & A
for Meat
Fatty Liver
Circles of Care
Just Freeze it!
Time to Reboot
Why You Crave Sugar
Make Joy Your Personal Research Project
Intermittent Fasting
An Update
ADHD Across
the Lifespan
The Gut-Brain
Safety Considerations
Using Foods To
Boost Your Mood
Gratitude is an
Women and Heart
Peace at Home
"Let Us Begin"
Basics of
Metabolic Health
Keep Your Brain Healthy
During the Holidays
Minimizing Exposure to Metals in Herbs and Spices
A Need for Better Nutrition Education for Health Professionals
Understanding Omega-3
Fats and Their Many
Unlocking the Secrets of Integrative Medicine
Perspectives on a long, happy and joyful life
Why are more young people getting cancer
Obesity and
Lifestyle Medicine
Changing Trends and Guidelines for Alcohol Consumption
The Latest
How Can We Eat to Reduce Our Heart Disease Risk?
Sweet Talk About Sugar Alternatives
Reflections From a Vegetable Gardener
Use of continuous glucose monitors
Welcome the New Year
with Ayurveda
The Power of Words
Exercise Myths
The Promise of
Much Ado About
Got Milk?
Comparing the MIND and Mediterranean Diets
Lifestyle Actions to
Improve Gycemic Response to Food
Food Pairings to
Optimize Nutrition
Considering Common Health Myths
Benefits of
Functional Training
Testing Out
Nutrient Timing
Happy New Year!
To Eat or Not to Eat?
Should we be
Healthful Considerations for Plant-Based Eating
Dynamic Mobility vs.
Static Stretching
Protein and the Plant-Based Diet
A Look Back as
We Look Ahead
Treating Illness
with Psychedics
Considering Common
Nutrition Myths
Commentary on
Make almost any Cookie or Treat brain healthy with these tips
Culinary Medicine: What to eat if you have prediabetes
Being Picky
About Performance
Food, Culture, Identity and Well-Being:A Complex Relationship
Tips and Tricks to Nourish and Flourish
in January
Healthful or Harmful
Lessons from Lucy
Cell-Based Meats:
Some Considerations
Building a Peaceful Relationship with Our Food and Our Body
Mastering Cancer Prevention with Integrative Medicine