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  • Laura Stec, Chef, Cookbook Author

Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

Laura Stec is a private and corporate chef, educator and author, specializing in meals, events and products for healthy people and the planet. She is the Innovative Cuisine and Culinary Health Educator for Kaiser Permanente and Bay-Area corporate wellness programs. Trained at the Culinary Institute of America, the School of Natural Cookery and the Vega Macrobiotic Center, Laura has worked in restaurants since age 16, including the iconic Seva in Ann Arbor, MI, and San Francisco Bay Area’s Left Bank and Flea Street Café. She co-authored the book- Cool Cuisine – Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming where she addresses why global warming could be the “best thing to happen to the culinary world in a long time;” and reports on innovative science, business, and savory solutions to the “Global Warming Diet.” Cool Cuisine has been covered in 20 countries and 7 languages. Her work has been featured at NPR, Martha Stewart, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and numerous local and national media sites. The Food Party! is her featured blog for San Francisco-based Embarcadero Media. Noted by Time Magazine as a “leader who pursued her passion to become a community resource and expert.” She volunteers as a cooking teacher for local schools, for Tasting Week and for the national Chefs Move to School program. On her days off she hikes and boogie boards the Pacific coast.

Contact Information: These are two nonprofits that Laura supports. Please feel free to make a donation on her behalf: CUESA - Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture CAFF - Community Alliance with Family Farmers AT THE SALON: A cool cuisine would reduce our overall carbon footprint by using fewer animal products, fewer processed foods, less bottled water, and less food and packaging waste while using more fresh, organic, seasonal, and locally grown whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. The benefits of eating this way are nothing new, but now we realize that our planet, as well as our body, are paying the price for an industrialized food system. It is time for a new perspective on a very old problem. At this salon Laura discussed various aspects of global warming (this is addressed in her book, Cool Cuisine) and then prepared some recipes in accordance with these principles. We learned how to source and prepare food in ways that positively impact our environment. Laura's book, Cool Cuisine - Taking the Bite Out of Global Warming was sold at the salon.

Click here to view the salon presentation.

Click here for the salon recipes.

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